

To learn more about these neurotoxins click on the links below. 

Morpheus 8 


To learn more about the Morpheus 8 procedure click on the link below. 



Improves the appearance of: 
Facial acne scars, Skin texture, Skin tone, and Skin color

To learn more about the microneedling devices and procedures used at the Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, click on the links below. 

Prp Microneedling  facial 


Microneedling is a form of collagen induction therapy which stimulates the skin’s natural healing process and promotes the growth of new cells. This procedure uses micro needles to gently perforate the skin and stimulate the skin’s natural repair. Microneedling combined with platelet rich plasma (PRP) can improve the appearance of minor skin imperfections such as fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, and uneven skin tone and texture. Additionally, PRP can assist in minimizing the appearance of acne scars, and stretch marks or skin irregularities. 

Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) stimulates fibroblast production of collagen and elastin, improving the overall condition of your skin from inside out. 

This safe and effective procedure can treat and improve the following problems: 
  • Acne, burn, and surgical scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles such as “crows feet” or “smoker lines” 
  • Loose, lax skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation
  • Hair regeneration

When will I see results? Results may be noticeable as soon as you heal from the treatment, as the redness subsides and fine sloughing of the skin resolves. Scientific data suggests that results become better over a six month period. During this time your body is producing new collagen. Within 1-3 months, you should notice more buoyancy, resilience, and evenness to your skin. 

How many treatments are required? For optimal results, it is recommended a series of 3-4 treatments with 4-6 weeks between each. A maintenance program of 2 treatments per year is recommended to maintain the results you are pursuing. 

To learn more about PRP microneedling facials performed at the Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, click on the link below. 


(double chin treatment)

To learn more about the Kybella treatment offered at the Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, click the link below. 


Prp Hair Restoration


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for hair restoration is a non-surgical alternative for male and female pattern hair loss. Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue. Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic problem that can leave you feeling helpless. Options, like prescription drugs, are often partially effective and carry the potential for unwanted side effects. Surgical hair restoration can be expensive and does not treat the underlying medical problems. 

Now there is an affordable way for you to regain your hair density back without surgery or harmful side effects. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for hair restoration involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp. 

How PRP Works: Platelets contain healing growth factors. Those growth factors are like signal callers that give instructions to your tissue to regenerate and multiply. This has led different fields of medicine to utilize PRP for wound healing to speed up recovery time and regrow healthier, stronger tissue. With PRP for hair, your growth factors and stem cells work together to reverse the miniaturization of the hair follicle and jump starting dormant hair back into the growth stage. 

How many treatments are required? Treatment will vary based on your needs, initially, your provider may recommend several treatments spaced 1 month apart. After the initial treatment, many physicians suggest maintenance treatments 2-3 times per year. 

Is this a cure for baldness? PRP is not a cure for baldness (androgenetic alopecia). The genetic medical problem will always remain. However, there is great evidence that regular treatments can significantly slow down the effects of Androgenetic Alopecia and even work to increase hair density. 

PRP for Hair Regrowth

  • Increases blood supply to the follicle
  • Increases shaft size (thickness) 
  • Triggers and maintains the growth phase
  • Controls hair growth cycle
  • Decreases hair loss

Chemical Peels

Skin Medica Professional Peels and vi peels

To learn more about SkinMedica chemical peels offered at the Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, click on the link below. 


To Learn More about the VI Peels Click on the Link Below: 


Prescription Products

To learn more about Latisse, click on the link below. 


purchasable product for Hair Regrowth

To learn more about the Theradome laser phototherapy helmet, click the link below. 
